Swahili and the Jubilee Theme

Emmanuel explained that only people who have gone to high school will have had a chance to learn English formally - and the English they learn is British English. So, we will encounter some people who know English, and many who will want to speak with us so they can learn more.
Nevertheless, we will hear Swahili most. As good guests, we will try to pick up as many phrases as possible. For example, we are taught that "asante sana" means "thank you" and I am certain we will use that phrase very frequently.
At the top of this post is the theme which the Central Dioces of the Evangelical Church of Tanzania adopted for its Jubilee. You can see the Swahili and English versions, and this theme will help us to remember to just relax and trust God. I don't know if any of us will master speaking the theme, but I predict we will think about it often.
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