Worshiping in Kijota

On Sunday, October 7, we finally were able to worship with our companion congregation -- the Kijota church for which we pray each Sunday. What an amazing experience. This post will be full of photos, so be warned! First, here's the church building itself. We arrived quite early, so that we could meet with the staff, have a little breakfast, and organize our participation in the service. That allowed me time to take a few photos before the pews filled up. Here is the altar area. One of the great parts about this service was Pastor Glenn preaching. This meant, among other things, we could understand the sermon! He even had a prop! (That's a very real rock, acquired more than a week prior in Ngorongoro.) Pastor Shila served as his translator, and definitely enjoyed the experience, though we are quite certain he did not know how Glenn was going to make a sermon out of a rock. (We won't spoil it by telling yo...